Tag Archive for: Emergency

I’m really excited to introduce you to an awesome product – Serenity Kids – nutrient dense baby food pouches that are AIP elimination stage compliant (with the exception of a couple of flavors). Now, if you know me, you know I don’t have kids … so you might be wondering why am I so enthusiastic about this product!?
First of all, I’ll tell you I keep referring to them as Serenity FOODS instead of Serenity KIDS, because while they were initially created for babies and kids, they’re actually suitable for EVERYONE! I’ll tell you more about that, including why Serenity and these adorable food pouches resonate with me personally (keep reading to find out) … but first let me share a little about the Serenity Kids and their line up of products!
  • Nutrient Dense, Simple Ingredients
  • Ethically Sourced Pastured Meats
  • Sustainable Organic, Non-GMO Vegetables
  • Healthy Fats
  • NEW Line with Gut Friendly Bone Broth! (turmeric chicken is elimination stage – others are reintros)
  • Low, Low Sugar Content
  • AIP Compliant (only a couple of their flavors are not elimination stage compliant)
  • Shelf-stable BPA-Free Pouches (recyclable lids and a free RECYCLABLE POUCH PROGRAM since most city recycling programs don’t accept them)
  • Winners of the Clean Label Project Purity Award – Kind of a BIG deal!
  • In addition to making babies healthier, they’re committed to leaving them a healthier planet

Serenity Kids Product Review, Serenity Kids Organic Baby Food, Paleo, AIP, AIPRecipeCollection.com

Learn More About Serenity:

I encourage you to take a moment to visit their website where you’ll quickly learn about the nutrition behind their products, where they source their ingredients, their environmentally focused mission and how they’re giving back.

Special Offer!


Why Serenity “Kids” is for Everyone!

First of all, they’re an extremely convenient way to carry a healthy, nutrient dense snack with you (they’re meant to be consumed at room temperature but you could warm them a little by immersing the pouch in a cup of hot water if you prefer). 
For adults – Really? Yes – absolutely! Check out the nutritional value on these products … their simple ingredients make them perfect for AIPers (think grab-n-go breakfast, snacks, if you’re in hospital or dealing with medical procedures), backpacking, camping, road-tripping, camping and get this – even dogs can use ’em (my dog eats a whole food, homemade diet and would wrestle me for these)! And, since they’re shelf-stable for up to 18 months, you can easily stock up so you have them on hand when you need them.

Why Serenity Resonates With Me

When I first started researching Serenity I was extremely excited by the possibilities for adults! Why? Because the first autoimmune disorder I was diagnosed with was Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis (EGE/EGID) – a rare inflammatory disease that effects the entire digestive system, starting at the esophagus all the way through the colon and intestines. (A similar condition, Eosinophilic Esophagitis or EOE for short, a disease of the esophagus also exists and is most often diagnosed in children.)
What’s so scary about EGE/EGID/EOE?  1) You very often can’t swallow food without extreme pain, panic or choking which can lead to extreme food fears, 2) This often leads to extreme malnutrition and/or is accompanied by nutrient absorption issues, and 3) Traditional medical treatment protocols include liquid steroid concoctions and can involve horrific liquid or elemental diets containing synthetic vitamins or in some cases tube feeding!
After being hospitalized a number of times and finally receiving my diagnosis I was completely depleted. I had ZERO energy to prepare foods and was extremely malnourished (massive hair loss, all of my fingernails and toenails fell off, an abrupt 40lb weight loss, incredible rashes and more). The smell of food prep created extreme nausea and vomiting and the stress and anxiety of simply sitting down to try to eat brought me to tears before I even began. I soooo wish I’d known about Serenity Foods back then – it definitely would have made life a lot easier.
I’m thrilled to say that the AIP has helped improve my condition tremendously, and I’m no longer in a position to need a product like this for meals, but I will tell you that these are amazing to keep on hand when you’re needing a nutritious snack on the go. They’re perfectly tasty at room temperature, but I personally prefer them heated – simply immerse a pouch in a cup of hot water for a few minutes and you’re good to go. (You can read more testimonials, and how Serenity is helping adults and kids alike on their blog – click here)
Before I wrap up, I want to suggest one final demographic that also resonates with me for this product – the elderly. All too often older ones fall into the horrible belief that meal replacement shakes are great, fast options to give them all the nutrients they need when they’re too tired or don’t feel like cooking for themselves … because after-all the labels tout how many “wonderful” vitamins they contain and the doctors recommend them! YIKES! I won’t get into the details about these products, but rest-assured that we did a TON of research on them and their contents when the doctors handed me my diagnosis and a six-pack of these things and tried to tell me that I might have to rely heavily on them. (If you don’t believe me about these meal replacement shakes, feel free to do a little digging on the internet about them if you like – and read this cancer patient’s blog, it’s staggering and will stick with you.) Now, I’m not recommending that Serenity Kids is going to replace every-day adult meals, but they can certainly be used in confidently as nutrient-dense snacks or the occasional meal replacement.
Disclaimer: Serenity Kids was kind enough to provide me with samples of their product. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 

This post contains affiliate links.  Click here to see what that means.

In light of the current situation with the COVID-19 / Coronavirus Pandemic I felt compelled to write a little encouragement post .. I think we could all use one about now. 

If you’re like me, you’re likely feeling a little overwhelmed, intimidated and on edge with all of the information that’s flooding your in-boxes, streaming across your T.V. screen and saturating every social media feed you subscribe to. So with that, I want to offer a little support and grounding. I’m not here to teach you how to wash your hands or tell you to stop hoarding toilet paper (I think you’re all big girls and boys and have plenty of access to information on these topics) … I’m here to encourage you and help you find gratitude as an AIPer. I know that sounds absolutely bonkers, but we honestly do have good reason to cheer and pat ourselves on the back at this point!
  1. We’re already concentrating on our health. Eating a clean diet and supporting our immune system is what we do on the AIP, so I’m looking at this as being ahead of the curve. (Score 1 for AIPers!)
  2. When you visit the grocery store there are lots of amazing foods that we’re already accustomed to using but others might be passing by (Hello cassava root, plantains, jicama, all varieties of sweet potatoes, kale, marrow bones, liver, offal, chicken necks, backs and feet … we love you and are happy to take you home and call you our own!)
  3. We’re already familiar with batch-cooking, meal prepping, freezer cooking and how to make things like bone broth so we can get the most out of our food budget, prepare in advance and not let precious ingredients go to waste .. everyone else has to figure that stuff out and come to grips with home-cooking. Meanwhile we just keep on keeping on .. and maybe even get to relax with a little self-care.
  4. As AIPers we’re already working on prioritizing stress reduction, sleep and appropriate exercise in our lives … again, we’re ahead of the curve as others are just now considering it might be a good idea to incorporate these things in an effort to stay healthy.
  5. Knowledge is power and as an AIPer I bet you have way more knowledge about how to support your immune system and specific condition than the average person does about how to avoid the common cold! We’re also aware of where we can find quality advice and information about how to protect ourselves, so we’re saving vital time and energy while others scramble to find answers. That’s win, win, win … so many I’m losing track!
  6. Quality ingredients and dedicated AIP products are readily available and are WAY healthier than the packaged “junk” that most people are out there stocking their pantries with (and we already know where to find them). We’re so very fortunate that so many creative AIPers have come before us and created such wonderful conveniences.
  7. Being anti-social is finally socially acceptable!  While I know it’s not healthy to isolate ourselves, we’re again in a position where we’re ahead of the curve … we could hibernate for months and not go stark raving mad like the rest of them will .. we’ve been in training for this for our AIP life! (I thought you could use a little humor – hope I wasn’t wrong)
  8. You’re here where you can be inspired daily to eat healthy and stick to your autoimmune healing goals and stay as healthy as possible! I’m grateful you’re here … it brings me joy to know that I’m helping others remain positive during difficult times and I hope you find health, healing and happiness in this group. 
While I could probably go on for a lot longer about reasons to have an attitude of gratitude, I’m going to move on to some practical tips
  • RECIPES! You guessed it – don’t forget to use the group search in our AIP Recipe Collection Facebook Group – there are LOTS of AIP elimination stage recipes posted that will help you support your immune system, stay healthy or help you when you’re not feeling well. Use the group search for things like #undertheweather #sick #flu #cough, bone broth, etc. Instructions for how to use the group search can be found here.
  • GROCERIES – Yes, this may become a challenge in the days ahead, but there are many stores offering delivery or pick up options and even special hours for the elderly and those at risk (usually first thing in the morning after the store has been sanitized) – check your local area for what’s available. I also recommend checking Facebook Buy and Sell groups, there are some reputable farmers out there offering Grower’s vegetable boxes for delivery or pick up, and some are selling at road-side stands. Of course, Amazon is a great resource for a lot of pantry items as well.
    1) I trust Dr. Ballantyne’s Autoimmune Protocol and her advice on this situation so I simply want to share the article here for your knowledge without further discussion. Natural Approaches to the Cold & Flu” 
    2) Autoimmune Wellness Podcast “COVID-19 Autoimmune Wellness Emergency Pod” and “How to AIP During a Pandemic”
    (NOTE: Just so as not to confuse anyone that may be new to the AIP – Not all of the suggestions in the podcast are 100% elimination stage AIP – these ladies are feeding others in their family that aren’t AIP and they’re promoting the idea that we can’t do the AIP perfectly during crisis times – do the best you can)
  • INSTAGRAM – You can follow my feed on Instagram for a different kind of motivation where I sometimes share photos of my own meals, motivation, self-care and stress-relief tips and more.
  • PRODUCTS & DISCOUNTS: Below is a list of our affiliate products, services and shops to help make your AIP life a little easier – especially in cases like this.  Online shopping is a wonderful way to help us avoid germs, and we can shop with confidence from our trusted partners who are working diligently to help us all stay healthy.
    I will add new discounts as offers come out – our partners are being kind and generous at this difficult time.

Stay safe, stay home and healthy everyone!

AIP Meals & Emergency Food :

Click on each company name to be redirected …

    Offering a BULK Shopping Offers to help you stock your pantry with their shelf-stable AIP Compliant products at a discounted rate AND free shipping!
    THEN look for the 2 week AIP Freeze-Dried Food Box
    COUPON CODE: AIP15 saves 15% off EVERY order (doesn’t apply to bulk boxes)
    Handmade AIP elimination stage foods and meals delivered to your door.
    COUPON CODE: AIPRecipes Saves you $15 off your first order
    Shelf-stable, Nutrient dense, top-quality baby food (meats, veg and fruits) in pouches (they have a recylcing program for pouches)! Suitable for adults, kids, babies and even pets! Almost all are AIP elimination stage!
    CODE: AIPRECIPES Saves 15% off your first order

Subscriptions :

    Subscription Offers Here / One-Time Gift Boxes Here
    Quality meat you don’t need to leave your house for!
    Completely customizable to AIP and additional food sensitivities! Helpful for planning to use your supplies and resources wisely with leftovers. *Since COVID-19 struck, RealPlans has added a lot of new features to the app to help us plan our meals even when we have limited supplies.*
  • truLOCAL
    Truly locally Sourced Canadian Meat! That means you’re supporting YOUR LOCAL farmers! 
    After a long search for amazing resources to help my followers, I’ll be providing information here about a program I highly recommend for those struggling with chronic illness and movement that won’t make you feel worse.

Multi-Product Shops :

  • AIP STOREFRONTS ON AMAZON – I have everything categorized to make your life easier! 
    Top Quality Toxin Free Tea! Be sure to watch ingredients, avoid adaptogenic blends – see my post in the Announcements section for more on Pique Tea
    Broth & Collagen (watch ingredients – some of the formulations of broth now contain reintroductions)
    CODE: AIPRecipesGroup gives you 15% OFF YOUR ENTIRE ORDER
    Low FODMAP seasonings

Decadent Treats :


While eating a nutrient dense diet is our goal and best way to get our nutrients, you may be looking for brands you can trust for supplementation.

This post contains affiliate links.  Click here to see what that means.

How to Manage the AIP in an Emergency

Whether you live in an area prone to tropical storms, earthquakes and wildfires or not, this post is important for anyone on a restricted diet. (Note, you may also want to read my article on the AIP & COVID-19 for more advice and support)

Wait! What are we talking about here? This topic could easily be misconstrued by readers, because let’s face it, an emergency when you’re on the AIP could simply mean having no energy to cook or to go to the grocery store! Keep reading … some of these emergency tips and suggested rations to have on hand could be a different kind of “life saver” when you’re worn out or in a rush.

Now … Back to our regularly scheduled PSA!

Most governments these days suggest that folks keep a “Go Bag” or “Bug Out Bag” and that they have emergency rations on hand in the event of power outages or emergency evacuations. Do you take it seriously? Do you have a go-bag with emergency AIP food you can safely eat?

As with everything on the AIP, preparation is key, so I’m hoping this post will help you to prepare in advance so you won’t experience additional stress in the case of an emergency.

Below is a list of some AIP rations I suggest keeping on hand at all times along with your family’s standard rations like water, first aid kits, a change of clothing, etc. There are lots of great Bug Out Bag prep lists on the internet – use Google to find a list of essentials suitable for your location and family.

Advice from an AIP Authority

The following is from an Instagram post Angie Alt shared a while back. If you don’t already follow her, you should – she’s awesome! I love her funny and sometimes pointed posts, and in her usual style she nailed this topic too. ♥ Here’s what she wrote:


In an emergency situation you just do whatever is necessary to be safe. Period.
AIP can be an important component of your long-term health with autoimmune disease, but short-term safety beats AIP every time. Life has hierarchies.

I’m sharing this message today because over the last several years leading SAD to AIP in SIX groups we’ve had members go through all kinds of natural disasters. I wanted anyone in our community preparing for or evacuating ahead of Hurricane Florence to hear it from an “AIP Authority” that your best is good enough right now and you and your family’s safety is priority number one .. 100%

That said, here are some resources that might help should any of you need them.

AIP Hurricane Prep – Video

Thank you @wendisaipkitchen – Sending the best vibes for safety and little to no damage for all the folks facing this right now. The AIP community is thinking of you. ♥

Recommended Emergency Rations


Meat Snacks
Bone Broth, Soups & Stews

Perfect Supplements – Powdered Bone Broth – Beef or Chicken – Just search “broth”


Wild Zora – Delicious Freeze-Dried Stew, Soup, Meat Bars & Fruit Snacks – Shop the AIP Compliant menu
Wild Zora even offers BULK Shopping Offers to help you stock your pantry with their shelf-stable AIP Compliant products at a discounted rate AND free shipping!  SAVE 15% off EVERY order with code: AIP15 (excludes bulk boxes).


Serenity Kids – Shelf-stable, nutrient-dense, top-quality baby food (meat, veg and fruit) in sustainable pouches – they’re suitable for babies, kids, adults and even pets! SAVE 15% off your first order with codeAIPRECIPES


Since I know a lot of folks shop on Amazon, I’ve gone to great lengths to set up my own shops with AIP compliant items to make your life a lot easier! As always, check ingredient lists (I have before I added them to my recommendations, but products change from time to time, so always be safe!).

Amazon USA / Amazon Canada / Amazon UK