Self -Care

While it may feel like you’re doing nothing BUT take care of yourself with all the cooking, meal prepping and research, this is different!

Be sure to take time for yourself .. a long soak in the tub with Epsom salts and some relaxing or uplifting essential oils, consider starting a habit of meditation and mindfulness, read a book, thumb through your favorite magazine, take a nap, take up a craft, get out in the sun and fresh air, make yourself a special treat – an AIP Latte or AIP hot “chocolate,” make some special AIP cookies and squirrel them away where no one else can steal them … consume in moderation of course!

No matter what type of rest and relaxation you choose, be sure treat yourself to some “me” time so your body can begin to restore itself … You deserve it! … You need it!

Check out my post on Hygge for the AIP and join me on Instagram where I share self-care tips and keep things light and encouraging.

Stress Management, Sleep & More…

Something that can’t be overlooked if your AIP healing journey is to be a success is a self-care plan that includes stress-management, good sleep habits, light exercise, community, nature and sunlight.

Sorry, I said some nasty words there … the “E” word for one! But don’t freak out, this doesn’t have to be difficult and you don’t have to do everything all at once. For now concentrate on some of the easier stuff and delve into the rest as you feel ready.

Check out my post, The AIP – Beyond Food – click here.


Feeling alone, isolated and overwhelmed? Feel like no one understands what you’re going through? Seeking a community connection for support? Trust me, you’re certainly not alone.

While I don’t encourage the use of support groups for medical discussion (due to some downright dangerous advice I’ve seen deliberated in them), I do think there is benefit to be had from human connection and emotional encouragement on our journey.

That said, I’d like to direct you to a couple of valuable resources that I feel confident in. The first is Kerry Jeffrey’s, Emotional Autoimmunity website and her social media pages. Kerry offers a free download, the opportunity to work with her personally, interaction and support via social media as a by-stander or an active participant in her private group.

The second connection I’d like to share with you is found on the Autoimmune Wellness page where they provide quarterly updates on AIP community news, podcasts, video series, and local in-person meet-up groups. Just click here.

You can find links to all of Kerry’s outlets and additional support recommendations in my blog post here – “Where Can I Find Support?”

Everything you need …

Meal Planning

Failing to plan is planning to fail.
Success on the AIP is easier when you have a few good tips, tricks and tools under your belt.

Food Sourcing

Sourcing AIP ingredients can be tricky, but we’ve got you covered!
Check out our shopping and brand recommendations.

AIP Convenience

Being on the AIP is not exactly what most would call convenient, but thankfully  there are some wonderful options!


Big lifestyle changes and health challenges can be overwhelming.  Some find the process much easier with proper coaching and medical guidance.


Self care is about taking proper care of yourself, taking the time to do some of the activities that nurture you, and treating yourself as kindly as you treat others.


Healing is a journey, not a destination.  Along the way we all need some motivation.
Here we’ll share motivation, stories of AIP healing and tips for success.