Grilled Ribeye, Rapini and Rainbow Carrots with Garlic Scape Basil Chimichurri
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Ribeye, Rapini and Rainbow Carrots … Oh my!
Don’t worry, you don’t have to be a grill-master or a whiz in the kitchen to pull off this delectable, steak-house quality dinner. And, since you’re whipping up this simple recipe at home, indulging in this steak dinner is far more economical than date-night out!
TIP: Sign up for a flexible truLOCAL meat subscription with the offer below and you’ll receive some bonuses that make this one even more affordable!
Cut & Quality Count!
Choosing the right cut of quality, grass-fed beef is key. Did you know that grass-fed beef is not only higher in omega-3s, but it’s also better tasting too? You really can’t beat the flavor of a tender, juicy and well-marbled truLOCAL ribeye steak – the marbling enhances the flavor while basting the meat in the cooking process to ensure a juicy steak.
When it comes to cooking a ribeye, you don’t need to worry about marinades and sauces, simple seasoning is best, and grilling is fast and easy. Add a couple of flavorful, nutrient dense accompaniments and you’ll look like a pro!
Why Rapini and Rainbow Carrots?
Rapini (or Broccoli Rabe/Broccolini) is a nutty, bitter and pungent vegetable. Bitter vegetables like rapini improve digestion, so it’s a great vegetable to pair with beef (learn more about Rapini health benefits here). But, since bitter might not be your thing, we add garlic, lemon and apple cider vinegar in our seasonings to help reduce it.
Rainbow carrots, really? Can’t I just use regular carrots? Sure, you can just use “ordinary” carrots if that’s all you can get, but since our goal is to get a variety of nutrients in us, try mixing things up when you have a chance.
Did you know: Each individual color of rainbow carrots contains a specific set of phytonutrients (antioxidants) which offer slightly different nutritional benefits. Eat the rainbow folks!
- Orange carrots contain the highest concentrations of alpha- and beta-carotene. Alpha- and beta-carotene promote and support your body’s production of vitamin A, which is a necessary vitamin for healthy eyes.
- Red carrots are rich in lycopene (as are tomatoes – it’s the phytonutrient that gives red fruits and veggies color) and beta-carotene. Lycopene has been shown in some studies to reduce the risk of heart disease and some types of cancer, including prostate and cervical cancer.
- Yellow carrots contain the phytonutrient lutein, which is linked to the reduced risk of certain age-related eye diseases, including macular degeneration and cataracts.
- Purple carrots are high in anthocyanins, as well as alpha- and beta-carotene. Anthocyanins have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, help protect against heart-related diseases, and support a healthy immune system.
About truLOCAL
truLOCAL is a fully flexible meat delivery/subscription service that connects you with top-quality, LOCALLY sourced meat and fish!
But wait, there’s more!
Special Offer
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The Recipe
This recipe is overall about as simple as they come. Very little prep time is required, and you make the chimichurri sauce the day before which means your actual meal-time prep is minimal – perfect for a special occasion or date night with your sweetheart.
I hope you’ll try my suggested sides – they’re so easy, and pairing steak with a bitter vegetable helps with digestion. It’s also easy to add a different side dish (like potatoes) if you have non-AIP family that you’re dining with, though my non-AIP hubby enjoyed this without his standard sides.
If you’re looking for more truLOCAL inspired recipes, be sure to check out my AIP Recipe Collection Grill Series! ♥

Grilled Ribeye, Rapini & Rainbow Carrots with Garlic Scape Basil Chimichurri
♥ RECIPE & IMAGE BY: ♥ A delectable, steak-house quality dinner that's easy enough for the newest of cooks!
Garlic Scape Chimichurri
- 1/2 Cup Garlic Scapes, roughly chopped
- 1/2 Cup Fresh Basil, loosely packed
- 1/2 Cup Parsley, loosely packed
- 1/2 Cup Green Onions, roughly chopped
- 1 Lemon, zested
- 1 Tbsp Lemon Juice
- 2 Tbsp Balsamic Vinegar
- 1/2 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil, plus more depending on desired consistency
- 1/2 teaspoon Himalayan Salt
Grilled Rapini & Rainbow Carrots
- 1 Bunch Rainbow Carrots
- 1 Bunch Rapini (also known as Broccolini or Broccoli Rabe)
- 2 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 1 Heaping teaspoon Crushed Garlic
- Himalayan Salt
For best flavor, prepare your Chimichurri sauce a day in advance.
When it's time to grill, everything can be cooked at the same time, which makes this a fast and easy meal.
Garlic Scape Chimichurri :
- Add all chimichurri ingredients to a food processor and blend until smooth.
- Depending on the desired thickness of your chimichurri sauce, you may wish to add some additional olive oil.
- Store in a glass jar over night in the refrigerator.
Prepping Steaks & Veggies :
- Thaw your truLOCAL ribeye steaks in the refrigerator overnight or defrost in their packaging in cold water. Remove Chimmichuri sauce and steaks from refrigerator at least 30 minutes before cooking, but no more than 1 hour, this will help ensure your meat cooks more evenly.
- Season both sides of the steak with a pinch or two of Himalayan salt and pepper if you've reintroduced - for ribeye steaks, the simpler the seasoning the better.
- In a small dish combine extra virgin olive oil and crushed garlic and set aside to allow flavors to meld.
- Thoroughly wash and trim rapini, allowing it to soak while you scrub the rainbow carrots (no need to peel) and trim the tops off.
- Pat the rainbow carrots dry and cut in half lengthwise. Brush with garlic olive oil and set aside.
- Rinse the rapini and lightly dry with a clean kitchen towel. Place rapini in a large bowl and drizzle with remaining garlic olive oil and 1 Tbsp. of Chimmichuri sauce. Using your hands, massage the oil and Chimmichuri into the rapini.
- Pre-heat your grill to medium-high heat.
- Arrange rapini and carrots on the grill in a single layer and season with a pinch or two of Himalayan salt.
- Place ribeye steaks on the grill. Cook over direct heat for 4-5 minutes on each side for medium-rare (see temperature tips below). Reduce flame or move to cooler spots on your grill to avoid burning or flareups.
- Flip and turn vegetables, moving them around the grill to avoid burning - some charring is good, but avoid burning.
- Remove steak from grill and allow to rest, tented with foil, for a 5-10 minutes prior to serving. This allows the juices to settle back into the meat.
- Vegetables should be cooked at approximately the same time as your steak, but check to ensure they're cooked through but still al dente. Remove to a bowl or serving platter and cover to keep warm while the steak rests.
- Plate steak and vegetables and drizzle with Chimichurri Sauce.
Temperature Tips!
Use an instant meat / grilling thermometer to determine if your steaks are cooked the way you like them.
120° F = Rare
130° F = Medium rare
140° F = Medium
160° F = Well done