4-Ingredient Grated Parmesan

aiprecipecollection.com / AIP Recipes

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This “Grated Parmesan” recipe is not only Paleo and Vegan, it’s also nut-free and AIP friendly! You’re just 4 ingredients and 5 minutes away from dairy-free, delicious cheesy goodness!

One of the problems many people have with following an Auto Immune Protocol (AIP) diet, is that they run out of ideas for ways to “spice” up their meals. We miss those traditional flavors and want something that is easy to prepare that has that extra zing our tastebuds are missing.

Nutritional yeast is savory and has a cheesy flavor. Paired with TigerNuts (more about them below), we achieve that familiar flavor and texture of grated parmesan! (IMPORTANT NOTE:  On the AIP we need to ensure we’re using NON-fortified nutritional yeast – click here to read why that’s important and where to buy.)

What Are TigerNuts

If you’re just getting started on the AIP and you haven’t heard of TigerNuts, I’m sure you’ll be running across recipes soon that call for one iteration of them or another.

TigerNuts flour was one of the first ingredients I decided to try when I started my personal AIP journey, and I have to say they’re probably one of my favorite AIP dietary discoveries. You’ll find lots of recipes posted in my AIP Recipe Collection Facebook Group that calls for them, and I think the flour makes some of the best AIP cookies  – especially when it comes to taste, texture and crunch!

Before we go any further, you should know that they’re not nuts at all, they’re actually tubers, so they’re 100% AIP elimination stage compliant! Woohoo! (You can learn more about them in my post about unfamiliar foods you’ll run into on your AIP journey, and on my affiliate’s website – TigerNuts USA)

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Save 5% Off Every Order at TigerNuts USA with Coupon Code: AIP5

aiprecipecollection.com / AIP Recipes

4-Ingredient “Grated Parmesan”

Yield: 1 Cup
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes

♥ RECIPE & IMAGES BY: Andrea - Formerly "Hurried Health Nut" ♥ Jazz up you dishes with this cheesy “AIP Grated Parmesan”


  1. Blitz all ingredients in a food processor or spice grinder until well combined. Do not over-process
  2. Store in an airtight container several weeks in a cupboard or several months in the fridge


Use anywhere you would use traditional grated parmesan – on top of roasted veggies, au gratin dishes, AIP pasta (or spiralized veggie “pasta”), meatballs, risotto (or veggie “risotto”)

With thanks to Andrea (formerly Hurried Health Nut). When Andrea decided to close her website I reached out and she lovingly agreed to allow her recipes to live on at the AIP Recipe Collection so that folks around the world can continue to enjoy her whole-food recipes that provide maximum nourishment with minimal effort.