Meal Planning
Failing to plan is planning to fail.
Success on the AIP is easier when you have a few good tips, tricks and tools under your belt.
This website was designed to save you the time and energy that I know you’re lacking as you face your autoimmune disease diagnosis and begin your journey to wellness on the Autoimmune Protocol, or AIP (some also call it Autoimmune Paleo).
It is a compilation of extremely valuable resources that I’ve gathered from the most reliable authorities on the subject. It is the product of thousands of hours of research, and years of dedication and determination as I’ve plodded my way along on my own journey to wellness (you can read my story here).
It is my hope that this resource will make your journey just a little easier. ♥
“Every day, in every way,
I’m getting better and better!”
– Emile Coué
Put in the most basic of terms, the AIP, or Autoimmune Protocol, is a modified version of the Paleo Diet that focuses on nutrient density, lifestyle changes and gut health. It helps to balance hormones, support and regulate your immune system and remove inflammatory stimuli from both diet and lifestyle.
This is a well-researched, science-based elimination and reintroduction diet and lifestyle protocol. When properly utilized, this elimination diet and reintroduction process is a template that you will personalize based on your own health condition, diagnosis and circumstances – it is not a one-size fits all approach – and it is NOT overly restrictive, as some may believe.
As mentioned above, the AIP involves more than just dietary changes. To be truly successful on your journey to autoimmune wellness you will also need to consider additional lifestyle changes beyond just what goes into your body. Your environment, stress, emotions, products you use daily in your home and on your body can also have significant impact on your healing journey. Since these factors and more are so important, this site will address more than just recipes. ♥
Failing to plan is planning to fail.
Success on the AIP is easier when you have a few good tips, tricks and tools under your belt.
Sourcing AIP ingredients can be tricky, but I’ve got you covered!
Check out my recommendations.
Being on the AIP is not exactly what most would call convenient, but thankfully there are some wonderful options!
Big lifestyle changes and health challenges can be overwhelming. Some find the process much easier with proper coaching and additional medical guidance.
Self care is about taking proper care of yourself, taking the time to do some of the activities that nurture you, and treating yourself as kindly as you treat others.
Healing is a journey, not a destination. Along the way we all need some motivation.
Here I’ll share motivation, stories of AIP healing and tips for success.